Roulette Variations for the Modern Age
Roulette Variations for the Modern Age
Like many casino games, roulette has a number of popular variations that are enjoyed throughout the world. The majority of these are regional in their origin, although some have developed alongside the evolution of online and virtual gaming. Although it is fair to say that the differences between some variations are minimal, it is important to understand these in detail if you are to successfully master them.
3 Popular Roulette Variations for the Modern Age
With this in mind, let’s take a look at three of the most popular roulette variations accessible to modern day players.
American Roulette
Roulette is a game that has undergone subtle but consistent evolution since its inception, and one of its biggest ironies is that the American wheel is the same one utilised in France during the eighteenth century. The most noticeable difference is that the U.S. wheel has an additional groove marked ‘double zero’, which although offering a higher house edge remains particularly enticing to experienced players who enjoy a greater challenge. American roulette games usually offer higher returns too, as this helps to incentivise players who must overcome difficult odds if they are to win.
European and French Roulette
Roulette originated in France during the eighteenth century, and it quickly became a staple feature of gambling throughout the whole of Europe. As we have already touched upon, the European wheel is almost identical to its American counterpart, although it evolved over time and eventually removed the double zero groove from the face. Interestingly, this lowers the typical house edge to an estimated 2.7%, so the probability of winning is far greater for participants. Another key feature of European roulette is the option of ‘surrender’, which means that if a number bet is placed and a zero is landed half of the wager is returned to the player.
Mini Roulette
In line with the online revolution, casinos have developed a smaller and more compact version of roulette that has become popular with virtual gamblers. It usually features a total of 13 slots, which consist of twelve numbered grooves and a single zero. Although enjoyable, many operators also offer full-sized roulette online, as the odds of winning on the smaller version are relatively poor. Although a colour bet always pays even money, for example, there is also a far higher probability that the ball will land in the single zero groove.
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Craig Jones
Content Manager on Freebets. Experienced punter, from back street, smoke filled betting shops in the 2000s, to state of the art, dedicated betting apps of the 2020s. Covering the gambling industry with expert opinion and looking at the latest innovations.